a lesson from the hurted grass


currently somebody is cutting grass in from of my soon-to-be deserted room. the smell lingers around this room and no perfume in this world could match it. well, for me la.

it is only just now that i decided to look up the reason why the fragrant is produced. little did i know that i'd learn a life lesson from mere grass. well here is my research finding:

"According to botanists (plant scientists), the smell of cut grass is caused by gases emitted from each injured blade. Chopped grass releases a long list of volatile organic compounds, called green leaf volatile (GLV).

Plants produce the volatile compounds within seconds of being cut. Some also produce the chemicals when they are damaged by frost."

well life could send us to the edges sometimes. life is hurtful. but no matter what, be able to make others' lives smell of perfume. be a reason that people could see that this world is actually beautiful. that mankind, no matter how broken it is, it's capable of being humane, and godly.

hope. faith. love.
and the greatest between these three is?

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Colossian 1:16


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