Growing up my siblings and i didn't really have toys. I remember Dad bought us dolls one each and that was it. In the 90's my family depended on Dad's mere RM800 pay and we lived just by having the basics. So the doll, mine was one of the Seven Dwarves. It was the size of an adult's head. It was maybe the emotionless one. bisi ka??? haha whatev. I loved to comb it's beard and sometimes trimmed it in case it got messy or too long. sillyhead, i am. It was my favorite toy because it was the only one i had.
Even though it was the only toy i had, back then we didn't really need toys to play with. With my friends, we could collect leaves, sticks, old can and kulat mata babi by Dayu Ingit river, played masak-masak with them and still had the time of our lives. Sometimes we'd just climb trees and / or went into bamboo plant (cos they grow in bunch) to play police and thieves. We took a handful of sands and mixed it with clay, buried it under the ground a few days and then we made them wrestle. Owning the sand ball that managed to win these matches was our greatest pride. Sometimes we would uproot a grass (yes you ipad gen, we could play with just grass), tied it by the ends and connected them with other's tied grass. We would pull and pull it until one of the grass was torn. We'd shave rampu betu's flesh (large cucumber, the orange ones) and let them float in the river to mimic sampans. We'd go to the river and play all kinds of games that involved swimming, jumping from cliffs and making castles / dam / little fish, crab and baby shrimp pond at the riverbed. Oh, oh we caught them with our little hands and shirt you know.
These are my treasured memories. What a life... To have fun, we don't have to spend thousands of ringgit notes. If we care enough to look around; and look closely, we could discover happiness- everywhere and in every form. It's free. It's always there for us to find, and claim.
For me, Happiness is to be always grateful of what we have, even with what we don't have.
Suppose phones, gadgets, laptops, pcs and the net never have existed, could you cope?
Growing up my siblings and i didn't really have toys. I remember Dad bought us dolls one each and that was it. In the 90's my family depended on Dad's mere RM800 pay and we lived just by having the basics. So the doll, mine was one of the Seven Dwarves. It was the size of an adult's head. It was maybe the emotionless one. bisi ka??? haha whatev. I loved to comb it's beard and sometimes trimmed it in case it got messy or too long. sillyhead, i am. It was my favorite toy because it was the only one i had.
Even though it was the only toy i had, back then we didn't really need toys to play with. With my friends, we could collect leaves, sticks, old can and kulat mata babi by Dayu Ingit river, played masak-masak with them and still had the time of our lives. Sometimes we'd just climb trees and / or went into bamboo plant (cos they grow in bunch) to play police and thieves. We took a handful of sands and mixed it with clay, buried it under the ground a few days and then we made them wrestle. Owning the sand ball that managed to win these matches was our greatest pride. Sometimes we would uproot a grass (yes you ipad gen, we could play with just grass), tied it by the ends and connected them with other's tied grass. We would pull and pull it until one of the grass was torn. We'd shave rampu betu's flesh (large cucumber, the orange ones) and let them float in the river to mimic sampans. We'd go to the river and play all kinds of games that involved swimming, jumping from cliffs and making castles / dam / little fish, crab and baby shrimp pond at the riverbed. Oh, oh we caught them with our little hands and shirt you know.
These are my treasured memories. What a life... To have fun, we don't have to spend thousands of ringgit notes. If we care enough to look around; and look closely, we could discover happiness- everywhere and in every form. It's free. It's always there for us to find, and claim.
For me, Happiness is to be always grateful of what we have, even with what we don't have.
Suppose phones, gadgets, laptops, pcs and the net never have existed, could you cope?